Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for FlexPerx

Simply choose a membership at You can get started for as little as $20 per year with FlexPerx Discounts. Select your membership plan and enjoy all of FlexPerx's membership benefits.

Is FlexPerx Insurance?

No. FlexPerx is not insurance. We do not sell insurance and are not affiliated with any insurance company. We have special relationships with vetted service providers to allow you to pay over time, at 0% interest.

What are Service Providers?

Service Providers may be any business that provides a service across the nation. The FlexPerx vetting process identifies the best service providers, so you have peace of mind when you receive care. In the future, members will be able to provide feedback and rate these service providers from within your FlexPerx account.

How do I become a preferred Service Provider?

Apply here or call FlexPerx Customer Service at (402) 999-0800.